For a better understanding of the dynamic principles governing biped locomotion, the Lie symmetries and conservation laws of a biped robot are studied. In Lie theory, Lie sym- metries and conservation laws can be derived from the form invariance of di?erential equations undergoing in?nitesimal transformation. By introducing in?nitesimal transformations including time and spatial coordinates, the determining equations of a biped robot are established. Then the necessary and su?cient conditions for a biped robot to have conserved quantities are obtained. For the lateral-plane dynamical model of a biped robot, a Lie conserved quantity is found.
For a better understanding of the dynamic principles governing biped locomotion, the Lie symmetries and conservation laws of a biped robot are studied. In Lie theory, Lie sym- metries and conservation laws can be derived from the form invariance of di? Erential equations undergoing in ? nitesimal transformation. by introducing in? nitesimal transformations including time and spatial coordinates, the necessary equations and a biped robot are established. Then the necessary and su? cient conditions for a biped robot are have been saved quantities are obtained. For the lateral-plane dynamical model of a biped robot, a Lie conserved quantity is found.