夺取西瓜高产,要注意隔年早准备。张埝公社秦山四队,隔年认真搞好瓜田的准备工作,连续三年西瓜亩产超万斤,实现粮瓜双丰收。如瓜田选择不当,前茬安排不妥,就会影响粮瓜增产。根据近几年来的实践,瓜田的隔年早准备,主要应抓好以下四点:1.选好瓜田 “三秋”之前,按国家计划安排好明年的瓜田。选择多年种植三麦、水稻,地势高爽,排灌方便的田块(黄泥、青紫泥
To seize watermelon high yield, pay attention to prepare early next year. Zhang Qun commune Qinshan four teams, the next year seriously do a good job preparatory work for melon fields, watermelon per kilogram for three consecutive years ultra-million pounds, to achieve double-harvest grain and melon. If improper selection of melon field, improper arrangement of the former crop, it will affect the melon production. According to the practice in recent years, melon fields are prepared early next year, the main should do a good job in the following four points: 1. Selected melon field “three autumn” before, according to the state plan to arrange next year's melon field. Choose for many years planted three wheat, rice, high terrain, drainage and convenient plots (yellow mud, blue purple