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马拉美是“纯文学”的源起者和奠基人之一,学界所重视的往往是诗人排斥时代、孤独创作的一面。本文所关注的则是马拉美诗学与社会的关系。在《最新时尚》和《大事件》等作品里,马拉美善于与时代相应和,能够对社会的一些敏感热点问题或是潮流事物提出自己的独到观感。出世与入世的两面性来自于诗人对时代虚无性的构想,其背后的诗学旨趣则是神秘的寰宇节奏观。“物化”是马拉美处世观的主旨,传递出作者热情和细腻感知的一面。 Maramé is one of the originators and founders of “pure literature.” What the academic community pays attention to is often the poet exclusion era and the lonely creation side. This article focuses on the relationship between Malala’s poetics and society. In the works such as “the latest fashion” and “major events”, Marathi is good at adapting to the times and poses his own unique viewpoints on some sensitive hot issues or trends in the society. The two sides of being born and joining the WTO come from the poet’s conception of the nothingness of the age. The poetic interest behind it is the mysterious concept of the world rhythm. “Materialization ” is the theme of Maratha’s view of life, conveying the author’s passion and delicate perception.
为合理利用黄土丘陵区优良乡土草种,并寻求利用其进行人工草地建设的最佳混播比例组合,选取白羊草(Bothriochloa isaemum)和达乌里胡枝子(Lespedeza davurica)为研究材料,采用生