在不适于整体开采区块上 ,为了提高经济效益 ,对零散的油井开采采用的提捞采油技术 ,近年来在部分油田上得到应用 ,提捞采油车作为配套设备在油田上逐渐得到推广 ,而提捞采油车所用的油罐 ,一直使用普通油罐车上的油罐 ,存在着卸油时间长、卸油不干净、室外温度低时无法使用的?
In the unfavorable overall mining area, in order to enhance economic efficiency, the technology of extracting oil from scattered oil wells has been applied in some fields in recent years. The utility model has been gradually popularized in oil fields as an auxiliary equipment Oil tanker used to raise oil trucks, oil tanker has been using ordinary tanker trucks, there is a long unloading oil, unloading oil is not clean, low outdoor temperature can not be used?