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祖国医学丰富多彩,它不但对慢性的疾病能够治疗,而且对各种传染病同样具备了一套比较有效的方法。例如“麻疹”在祖国医学中,由于长期的经验积累,在治疗上是有着显著的疗効。麻疹的死亡率,虽然很低,但由于合併症的牵连,致死者并非个别现象。个人临床四十余年,经验证明,在合併症中,多而且险者,首推肺喘鼻煽,即今所谓肺炎。茲将个人对本病的体会介绍如下,作为引玉之磗,提供同道对这方面的研究,并希批评指正。一、祖国医学对麻疹合并肺炎的认识祖国医学,远在二千多年以前,黄帝内经、伤寒、金匮等典籍,即先后有类似麻疹的记载,在宋代钱乙小儿药证直诀,对麻疹症状更有较为明确的认识。此后陈文中痘疹方论与吕坤麻疹拾遗,对麻疹描述极为详细,并已经认识到它的传染危害性。发现麻疹在整个过程中,一般常见的危险合併肺喘鼻煽的,有朱震亨麻疹心法云:“疹之发也,喘息昏烦,命必 The medicine of the motherland is rich and colorful. It not only treats chronic diseases, but also provides a more effective method for various infectious diseases. For example, in the medical science of the motherland, “Measles” has a remarkable therapeutic effect because of long-term experience. Although the mortality rate of measles is very low, due to the complications involved, the death toll is not an isolated phenomenon. Personal clinical more than 40 years, experience has shown that in complications, many and dangerous, the first to push the lungs and pharynx, now called pneumonia. I will introduce the personal experience of the disease as follows, as a reference to the jade, to provide research on this aspect, and hope to criticize and correct me. First, the motherland medicine to measles pneumonia awareness of the motherland medicine, as far back as 2,000 years ago, Huangdi Nei Jing, typhoid fever, gold and other classics, that has a similar record of measles, in the Song Dynasty Qian Yi children’s drug card directly, Measles symptoms have more clear understanding. Afterwards, Chen Wenzhong’s pox rashes and Lu Kun’s measles were described in great detail on measles, and he has already recognized its infectious hazards. Found measles in the entire process, the general risk of lung snoring combined with common, there is Zhu Zhenheng measles heart cloud: "The rash of hair is also wheezing dizzy, life will be
中药八角烏(Podophyllum versipelle Hance)的根和根茎中含有4.2%的醇溶性树脂.由树脂中按氧化鋁吸附柱层离法,分离出二种結晶性成分,其一經鉴定为podophyllotoxin,約占树脂的
处方:杨枸花(杨都都)二斤。制法:煎二遍,滤取煎液。合并后,加热浓缩至2000毫升。用途:治疗菌痢、肠炎等症。用法用量:口服,每日服2~3次,每次50毫升。 Prescription: Yang Sh
(一) 药品制备及治疗方法将瓜蒂(即甜瓜蒂)100克、丁香700克、元胡1300克粉碎后过筛加入蔗糖500克,淀粉800克,混合制成10000片(取名复方瓜蒂片),每片含瓜蒂10毫克,丁香70毫
贵州穿心莲为毛莨科乌头属植物高乌头 Aconitum Sinomentanum Nakai。多年生草本,高约1米,我省各地均产,多生于大山丛林之中。民间用穿心莲治疗胃痛等。贵州省中医研究所证