Paul Chong:从自然中发现艺术

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  “Light and subject are inseparable. But when they are well integrated, they become a fine masterpiece.”—Paul Chong
  光影与主体是不可分割的,只有当这些元素一切完美和谐时,他们才能焕发出大师之光。——Paul Chong
  Paul Chong是位来自马来西亚的摄影师,从2001年开始至今从事摄影已有十五年了。他喜欢并且善于通过摄影来传递生活以及生命的美感,他与摄影的结缘开始于他大学时为自己购买的一台禄来相机,那是他人生中的第一台相机。从小学习绘画的他,一直钟爱艺术。马来西亚美丽的田间风光,以及多年来世界各地的游历经历,为Paul的摄影创作提供了坚实的基础和巨大的空间。这位年轻的摄影师,不仅在国内外获得过诸多摄影大奖,也曾在美国洛杉矶,中国上海、成都,以及他的家乡举办过多次个人摄影作品展。
  Early Inspiration and Journey
  For me, photography is a representation medium in which a photographer perceives the world. It is also a medium that often carries more meaning than what we can see in a picture. It is an idea which I like to call it,“capturing feelings”. I have been shooting for almost 15 years now since 2000. It all started with the very first compact camera that I first bought for myself. At the first place, I believe that most of my inspiration in taking photograph came from my interest in painting at the very early stage of my life when I was 12 years old. I used to painting a lot of watercolor landscape scenery back then.But now with photography, the amount of time in creation has tremendously saved a lot of my time in creating art. Not only that, photography has offered me more freedom than I ever had in capturing and expressing my adventure when I travel. With just a camera and tripod, I can go anywhere at any time and be ready to create photograph.
  I came to love photography more as my regular “companion” when I was in my university attending one of my photography classes. Back then, the digital world wasn’t as advanced as it is today. We all as student have to learn the fundamental technique in understanding the using of film. Like many others, I have learned my craft to use my camera by starting with various subjects. Covering landscape, people, architecture and day-to-dayproject. Event until today, I am still learning and there are always new things to learn. Looking back, all those years of experiences have taught me many great lessons in my growth and advancement as a photographer. After all, we are all student of photography.   我开始爱上摄影并把它当做我的一个朋友,是在我大学参加一个摄影课程时。那时,数码摄影不像今天这样有优势。我们需要学习使用胶片的基本技术。像其他人那样,传统拍摄技法教会了我开始利用拍摄的多样性来拍摄主体。包括风景、人物、建筑和日常生活。甚至到今天,我一直在学习新的事物。回首曾经,那些年的经历对于我摄影道路上的成长和成就,教会我很多。毕竟,我们都是一群学习摄影的学生。
  Another inspiration that makes me fell in love with photography is my appreciation of the great outdoors. Imagine the freedom and joy of exploring the unknown and discovering new places. This opportunity was given to me about 10 years ago when I first venture into the countryside along with my backpack and camera. Travelling on foot and seeing interesting places. I believe this is another one of my turning point in my photographic endeavor. Up until today, the outdoor has been a great source of life and big influence in my creativity as a landscape photographer. One of my aspirations with the nature is to be able to capture the width and breathe of the vast landscape out there. Feeling the sense of awe, surprise and marvel at the wonders of nature.And also is one of my dreams to be able to share with the world’s audience through photos.
  A Story Teller
  Every single piece of photo taken is like workingwith individual painting from a blank canvas. When creating art, the process can never be rush. Since every single composition requires time, dedication and understanding of the subject. On any given trip, I like to stay on location either by camping or stayingin a nearby accommodation. This would ensure me plenty of times to explore while allowing myself to be immersed with the surrounding environment. Also letting all my senses to get a feel of the place. Taking the necessary time to search for the right subject, composition and lighting. I believe that each photographis to be carefully studied and marked with interesting meaning.
  Even though a picture can tell you a thousand words, but I would like to add that; a series of picture puts together could tell you immeasurable exciting story. Many times, I preferred to create photos by theme with sets of story line. In addition, also crafting interesting poem and writing song to go along with the story. By giving a touch of poetic to connect both viewer and the photograph. I like a quote by Ansel Adams, which goes something like this;“There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer.”   即使一张照片可以表达千言万语,但我喜欢去添加一些东西;一系列的照片放在一起会为你讲述许许多多精彩的故事。很多时候,我宁愿为照片去设定一个故事的主题。另外,也会为这段故事做一首有趣的小诗,或者谱一首歌曲。通过这些诗歌将观众和摄影作品之间的距离拉近。我喜欢引用安塞·伊士顿·亚当斯的一段话:“一张照片中总有两个人:摄影师和观众。”
  The only distance is between the viewer’s eyes and the photograph. How you tell the story through your pictures is vital. This is a scenario where photography becomes part of the story. Thus, the word “photography” no longer is what we think it is. From this point, we have to see ourselves as an author rather than just a photographer.
  Reaching To The Unknown Places
  One of the many challenges as landscape photographer is finding the unknown places. These are the new location where most photographer and traveler have not been to. In order to get there, they often require additional effort and some homework to do on our part. There are in fact, many of these places that is still waiting for us to explore. From my very own personal experience and knowledge, the resources are out there. It demanded that you only have to dig a little deeper in order to find them.
  On one of my trip, I was travelling through a small village with the intention to hike up a mountain where most tourists were talking about. But instead of taking the hike while during my stay, I came to inquire of a local farmer, who later took me through the back mountain for a better experience. Instead of heading to the tourist packed destination, I was on a track along the old Ancient Tea Horse Road where not many people have traveled. There were no forms of vehicle or transportation to reach there but only by riding on horseback. The whole trip was just two of us. We passed through the great valley covered in knee high of snow with amazing panoramic view beyond. It turns out to be one amazing experience.
  As a landscape photographer, possessing the knowledge of technique in camera and gear is never adequate enough. Since most of my time taking picture is spend outdoor, many other forms of skills are also essential to master. Travelling outdoor requires additional sets of skill to know how the nature works. And also learning to adapt with the nature in a more friendly and effective way.   作为一位风光摄影师,摄影技术、工具层面的知识积累永远是不够的。我将自己大部分的时间用来在户外拍照,掌握很多其他方面的技能也是必不可少的。户外旅行要求我掌握更多的技能进行野外作业,这也促使我更好更有效地适应自然。
  On Location Shoot
  Another challenge for shooting outdoor is the need for a little blessing sometime. Because I never know how exactly a trip would turn out to be. Talking about the long journey and weather which is something that is often out of my control. All I could hope for is to prepare for the unexpected. I was in North UK during one summer while visiting the coastal landscape at Holyhead. The day was getting dark in the evening as I was heading to see the sunset of a nearby lighthouse. Little did I know that it has been cloudy and raining for the past few days. There’s a big possibility that the sun will not be visible. None the less, I went and the hike took me about 2 hours by foot. It was a long walk and physically tired after few days of travelling. Upon arrival, and to my amazed. The setting sun was magnificently radiant at the backdrop of the light house. With vast ocean leading towards the horizon. This is one of my most memorial trips that I had ever encountered. I guest sometimes we just don’t really know how things might change until we are there. But as an outdoor photographer, it demanded great faith.
  During one time while I was in Inner Mongolia, it was late in the autumn and I was intending to capture the changing colors of the leaf. This is another incident where the weather also changed dramatically. From a bright, warm and sunny day, the next day is just pouring of heavy snow. Wet and cold, but I took the opportunity to go out in the snow. To my surprise, the scene that turned out to be amazingly interesting especially with the snow effect. Something I have never envisioned before. It was a breath taking yet exceptional experience that I would never forget.
  After all, the art of photography have changed the way I look at the world. It has opened a new way for me to express and to record some of the most exciting journey as a photographer. It is also a medium to which I could share with the world the beauty and wonders that we can’t see in a city. Yet, it is a tool that invite us to go out and to discover the treasure out there. As artist paint with brush, I would like to add, photographer paint with light.
据说战国时期楚威王灭了越国后在今南京这个地方埋金建陵,因此被誉为四大古都南京有了第一个名称——金陵。历经15个月的整体改造,对酒店大堂进行了扩建,新增了豪华客房,改善并提升了所有设施设备,提供真正意义上的高端产品和美妙绝伦的入住体验。  第一眼  从南京火车站驱车仅10分钟车程即可来到酒店,整修一新的大堂更具现代感,利用扇形建筑结构构建的顶部流线型的装饰非常有设计感。刚进大堂,彬彬有礼的服务生已经
7月暑意渐浓,又是一季运动好时节。行走世界,不要忘了融入运动元素,无论是在尼泊尔翻山越岭,抑或在世界杯后的里约热内卢海滩边慢跑,这一季,旅行与运动永远割舍不开。  1.HASKI绿色轻量防风夹克  整体采用明快的色彩,前肩和后背侧均有网布通风口设计;款式非常具有简洁感,配合了撞色拉链和网布的设计作为搭配,并有独立收纳袋,整体版型具有一定修身感。  适合目的地:尼泊尔博卡拉  无论是EBC珠峰地区,
冬令进补,贵在食补。  作为世界美食天堂的上海,12家新开业餐厅拿出自己的冬季食谱,无论是重庆火锅,经典美式牛排,还是创意日料,蛇年年尾,值得开启一场上海美食之旅,尝尝十里洋场的新鲜味道,犒劳一下自己的肠胃。  成都美食注重香味,重庆美食关注如何利用麻辣提点食材香味。这个冬天,在上海品尝四川火锅,在食补的同时,同样能了解天府之国的火锅文化。  打望美蛙鱼  冬补好锅  有朋友让我概括上海的美食基因
解放碑 重庆精神堡垒  任何一个城市都有自己的标志性建筑,任何一个标志性建筑都是一个城市的浓缩与见证,在山城重庆,最能体现重庆城市精神、最具代表性的则是解放碑。  现在,重庆人常说的解放碑,则是指碑体及附近的商圈和步行街,一横一竖两条街构成了著名的十字金街,不足十万平方米的街道上,高楼鳞次栉比、摩登时尚,商场、电影院、美术馆、咖啡厅、奢侈品专卖店一应俱全,有“西部第一街”的美誉。  解放碑是重庆吃
杜甫曾经客居将近两年并写下了四百多首名篇的西阁已经不在,新城无诗空余景。只留下那些蜿蜒崎岖街巷、依山势而建立的道路、长长的石阶,以及陈旧清冷的建筑。  奉节老城,那个有着诗一样名字的古城,那个曾让“李杜”们发万古之幽思的“白帝城”,在它消逝之前,年少的我不曾来拜访。看过纪录片《中国三峡》的导演杨书华对这座老城的记忆:“曲支拐的醪糟飘香,福音堂的木鱼敲响,铁匠街新开了一家火锅店;奉师操场上的黄葛树依
在云阳陡峭的长江岸边,张飞庙亭阁飞檐,层楼峭拔,煞是壮观。走入其中,苍翠的树丛掩映中“江上风清”四个黑底白字赫然在目,彰显着“张祠金石,甲于渝东”的浓厚文化气息。  云阳,川东地区文化与古建筑风格保存最好的县镇之一。炎炎夏日,就着凤凰山的绿,探访老宗庙,遥想千年岁月,最是闲适悠然。  张飞庙又名张桓侯庙,与云阳县城隔江相望,始建于一千七百年前,历代扩建,历尽沧桑,盛而不衰。原来的张飞庙临江屹立于飞
涪陵的武陵峡谷是重庆东南的“绿肺”,放眼望去,云雾缭  绕,重峦叠嶂,古木参天。峰回路转,云断桥连。涧深谷幽,万壑飞流,水声潺潺。我们绕过蜿蜒山路,发现了这片未曾见过的土地——一个自然风物怡人的世界。  沧桑巨易,劫初儿戏。寻山摩壁兴难巳。化石鳍,海贝遗。一石一崖一天地,履险攀崖心不悸。鸟,在笑你。风,在抚你。  武陵山大裂谷,原名叫石夹沟。传说在2000多年前,秦国灭掉巴国时,其中一支巴族部落沿
一个3.5亿年前形成的高山天然溶洞,一个面朝西方,集福气、贵气、仙气、佛气为一身的金龟朝阳,金佛上尚未有浮华的盛  名,但这一切都吸引着我们的脚步。  金佛山尚未有浮华的盛名,却有着旷世之美、秀、奇、幽、险,融水、石、林、泉、洞、仙、佛为一身。既有藏稀世动植物,又有罕世之历史、传闻和奇说。一个3.5亿年前形成的高山天然溶洞,一个面朝西方,集福气、贵气、仙气、佛气为一身的金龟朝阳,这一切都吸引着我们
在重庆,拥有无敌江景的酒店不多,重庆丽笙世嘉酒店是其中之一。屹立于美丽的长江之滨,紧临长江大桥,涛涛的江水贴着门前的南滨路滚滚而过。正因为如此优越的地理位置,使得酒店308间客房,90%都能将恢弘壮阔的江景及渝中半岛尽收眼底。  回归自然是丽笙世嘉不变的主旋律,粗粝的石材与原木相结合,赋予其原始质朴之感,随处可见的水滴元素,花池与翠竹。则将宾客带至一段清新恬淡的雨林时光。  酒店南滨雅苑中餐厅主厨
在重庆东水门内,饱经沧桑的湖广会馆一带,那些沐浴过300年时光和尘埃的建筑,有着道不尽的沧桑和厚重,让人第一眼见到便心弦一震。“花·生院子”这所复古的院落就藏身其中,在巨大的古树掩映下,气定神闲,温婉从容。  “花·生院子”寓意:花时间,享生活。走近它,就像走近一段悠远缓慢的时光。院子的正中间,一枝素莲凭水而立,绕过素莲步入屋内,迎面的照壁前摆放着店主从西藏、尼泊尔、不丹旅行时淘来的老物件。照壁之