Online therapy for teenagers 青少年在线治疗疾病

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  Online therapy may be referred to as other names, such as e?therapy or telemedicine(远程医疗). Just as the name suggests, online therapy allows people to meet with therapists online rather than a face?to?face meeting in an office. A therapist may communicate via text messages, a mobile app, email, or a specific website. Some therapists use video chat, while others communicate only by text messages.
  Obviously, online therapy has some advantages. First, most teens enjoy chatting online, so therapy over the computer can feel more comfortable than talking to a therapist face?to?face. Second, online therapy can save time because you dont have to drive to a therapists office. For teens who live in rural areas or those who dont have transportation, online appointments may provide easier access. Third, many teens feel embarrassed about seeing a therapist and they may fear their peers will find out theyre in treatment. Online therapy can reduce many of those concerns. Finally, it may be less expensive. Online therapy prices may be lower than in?person therapy.
  However, online therapy also has some potential drawbacks. First, if your Internet goes down, you wont be able to contact the therapist. Second, the absence of face?to?face contact may impair treatment. Mental health professionals learn a lot of information by watching someones body language. If your teen is communicating over email, the therapist wont be able to read your teens body language or listen to the inflection(语调变化) in your teens voice. Third, your teens written expressions may be lacking. Online communication requires your teen to be able to read and retain information from the therapist. It also requires that they be able to express themselves effectively in text. Teens who struggle with written communication are not likely to be good candidates(人选) for online therapy.
  So its important to ensure your teen is a good candidate for online therapy and to educate your child about the potential risks before starting treatment. If youre unsure about online therapy for your child, combining online therapy with face?to?face therapy is a good idea.
  Languag Study
  Ⅰ. Difficult word in sentence
  A therapist may communicate via text messages, a mobile app, email, or a specific website.
  Ⅱ. Useful sentence pattern   Combining online therapy with face?to?face therapy is a good idea.
  分析:本句中的Combining online therapy with face?to?face therapy是动名词短语作主语。
  Reading Check
  本文是说明文,主题语境是人与社会。文章主要介绍了在线治疗的优缺点。其结构为“总—分—总”:第一段对online therapy下定义,第二段介绍online therapy的优点,第三段介绍online therapy的缺点,第四段就孩子的online therapy问题提出建议。
  1. 替换:同义词替换、单词替换短语、短语替换句子等。例如:
  However, online therapy also has some potential drawbacks. → However, online therapy also has some potential disadvantages.
  2. 转换:词性转换、反义词转换、句式转换、语态转换、主语转换等。例如:
  If youre unsure about online therapy for your child, combining online therapy with face?to?face therapy is a good idea. → So if youre not sure whether online therapy is right for your child, its a good idea to combine it with face?to?face therapy.
  1. 运用适当的连接词润色文章。
  表并列、递进:as well as、in addition to、not only...but also...、besides、whats more、furthermore等
  表对比:meanwhile、on the one hand..., on the other hand...、on the contrary、by contrast等
  表原因:because (of)、due to、on account of、for等
  表举例:for example/instance、such as、and so on等
  表总结:therefore、consequently、in short、in conclusion、in a word等
  2. 关注所写概要的词数, 词数超过72了就要删减一些细节,词数少于48,可添加一些细节。例如:
  Online therapy refers to video?chatting or text?messaging with a therapist over the Internet to treat an illness. → Online therapy refers to chatting with a therapist over the Internet to treat an illness. (删减细节)
  So its a good idea to combine it with face?to?face therapy. → So if youre not sure whether online therapy is right for your child, its a good idea to combine it with face?to?face therapy. (增加细节)
刘楠:以科学的教学设计促进信息技术的融合应用  如何在教学设计中,充分利用现代信息技术,遵循远程开放教育教学规律和课程特点,实现二者的有效融合?是当前教师在教学实践中面对的一个现实课题。我在“开放英语”教学设计中,对此进行了一些探索:  一是基于网络教学平台开展网上教学。基于网络教学平台的网上教学主要包括热身学习、小组协作学习、效果测评三个板块。“热身学习”模块引导学生走进课程,树立语言学习目标,
【摘 要】  教学游戏是寓教于乐的一种典型有效的学习方式。本文将游戏引入精品课程网络学习平台,构建了网络课程的游戏化系统的总体框架,并利用Virtools虚拟现实开发工具进行了教学游戏的设计与开发。  【关键词】教学游戏;虚拟现实;精品课程   【中图分类号】 G40-057 【文献标识码】 B 【文章编号】1009—458x(2011)07—0076—05  一、VR
【摘 要】    随着在线教育的迅猛发展,远程教育进入了以提高教育质量为核心任务、以课程建设为着力点的新阶段,设计与编写自主学习式教材已成为世界范围内课程建设的新趋势。要确立自主学习式教材的目标观、内容观、结构观和教学观,在教材的设计与编写实践中做到:以多种形式激发学习兴趣,唤醒学习觉醒心;精心设计文中交互学习活动,帮助学生深度参与学习;建议学习方法,为学生学习提供支架;创新结构体例,提供反馈,
【摘 要】   目前,农村党员干部现代远程教育已经进入“学用”阶段,充足而优秀的人力资源对提高远程教育的学用成效起着重要作用。本文构建了农村党员干部现代远程教育人力资源整合模式的框架,并对模式的各个组成要素及各要素间关系进行了阐述。  【关键词】农村党员干部现代远程教育;人力资源;整合;模式     【中图分类号】G434【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1009—458x(2011)08—0091—0
EdTech日前报道,因为在替代传统的大学课程方面更具成本效益,在线学习项目在高等教育领域持续得到支持。在线学习协会(The Online Learning Consortium,OLC)发布的信息图显示,当前有大约580万学生注册了在线高等教育的课程,其中2/3的学生在公立机构学习在线课程,90%的学生认为他们的学习体验和面对面授课一样好,甚至更好。数据也显示,学生报告技术的使用提升了参与度。此
She is as in a field a silken tent  At midday when a sunny summer breeze  Has dried the dew and all its ropes relent,  So that in guys it gently sways at ease,  And its supporting central cedar pole, 
【摘 要】  MOOC在过去的5年中取得了快速的发展,中国的知名大学也在积极地加入到这个潮流中。我们不禁要问,为何如此多的名校和教师选择加入到MOOC中?一些学者的研究发现了这些现象背后的部分原因或动机,但是,仍然有一些问题未得到解释:为什么这些原因或动机使得学校和教师积极地加入到MOOC中?会产生怎样的结果?基于提出的研究问题,本文以清华大学为例,用博弈论模型分析了学校的MOOC平台建设行为和教
校园计算项目始于1990年,是美国高等教育领域规模最大的持续性研究项目,主要研究“计算、网络学习和信息技术在美国高等教育中所发挥的作用”。该项目每年发布当年的“校园计算调查”(The Campus Computing Project),主要面向美国全国高校的校长、教务长和其他高管人员收集定量和定性的数据。该项目被校园领导和企业高管广泛引用,成为影响美国大学信息技术规划和政策制定的权威数据及信息与观
摘要:系列影片《三丁目的夕阳》可以说是感人至深的。平淡无奇的影片之所以具有感人至深的艺术魅力,原因是多方面的,但是其最深厚因此也最为久长的力量无疑来自于影片的主题意蕴。《三丁目的夕阳》的主题意蕴呈现为励志与情感两大主题的交融与互动。这既是《三丁目的夕阳》的主题意蕴,也是《三丁目的夕阳》无穷艺术魅力的奥妙所在。  关键词:《三丁目的夕阳》;主题意蕴;励志;情感  作者简介:吴迪(1990.7-),女
科学技术的发展使得人们对学生数据的访问越来越容易。然而,为保护学生的权利、安全及尊严,所有的学生数据都需要保密。美国的法律法规中对数据安全的预防措施有一些规定,但并无明确而具体的要求,并且不是美国所有的地区都会对这些法律法规做更深层次的分析。因此,有专家认为,在对学生数据进行保护时应做更多考虑。  Tech Edvocate近日發文提出了保护学生数据的九个安全步骤:①建立明晰的法律法规。当联邦和州