“水文地质构造”术语经常出现在图件的说明和注解里。比如,某某水文地质构造等。这一术语,由于标新立异和外延较广已经广泛地为人们所接受并普遍地用在专业性书刊。可以说是约定俗成的了。 英文写作Hydrogeologic Structure;俄文写作。1963年扎依采夫和托尔齐欣多用它来表征
The term “hydrogeological formation” often appears in the description and annotation of the figure. For example, a certain hydrogeological structure. This terminology has been widely accepted and widely used in professional journals as a result of its incorporation and extension. It can be said is a convention. Hydrogeologic Structure in English; writing in Russian. In 1963, Zaitsev and Tolchikin used it to characterize them