本刊讯 5月21日上午,广东省纪念依法治省十周年暨依法治省工作先进单位和先进个人表彰大会在广州隆重举行。会议回顾总结了十年来我省依法治省工作的成效和经验,表彰了在依法治省工作中作出突出贡献的先进单位和先进个人,对进一步推进依法治省,率先建立文明法治环境作了部署。中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书
On the morning of May 21, Guangdong Province commemorated the tenth anniversary of the province under the rule of law and the advanced units and advanced individual commendation conferences governing the province according to law were held ceremoniously in Guangzhou. The meeting reviewed and summarized the achievements and experiences of our province in administering the province according to law over the past decade, commended the advanced units and individuals who made outstanding contributions in the work of governing the province according to law, and made arrangements for further promoting the province’s rule of law and establishing the civilized legal environment . Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Guangdong Provincial Party Committee