煤工尘肺患者往往伴有不同程度消化道不适症状。因此 ,我们对 6例煤工尘肺患者胃粘膜标本进行光镜及电镜观察 ,初步探讨煤工尘肺患者胃粘膜的病理学变化。1 材料与方法1 1 一般资料 我院 6例煤工尘肺患者 ,均经矿务局矽肺诊断小组按照我国1986年公布的《尘肺X线诊断标准》
Coal worker pneumoconiosis patients are often accompanied by varying degrees of gastrointestinal symptoms. Therefore, we observed the pathological changes of gastric mucosa in coal workers with pneumoconiosis by using light microscope and electron microscope in 6 cases of coal workers with pneumoconiosis. 1 Materials and Methods 1 1 General Information 6 cases of coal miners and pneumoconiosis patients in our hospital, both by the Bureau of Mines Silicosis Diagnostic Group in accordance with our 1986 “pneumoconiosis X-ray diagnostic criteria”