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又一个春天到了,又一个“三八”妇女节到了。在这个美好的日子里,作为全国妇联副主席、书记处第一书记,中国婚姻家庭研究会会长,我愿借《婚姻与家庭》杂志的扉页向读者姐妹们表示节日的问候。《婚姻与家庭》杂志创办至今已经17年了。多年来,这本杂志在宣传婚姻法、倡导文明进步的婚姻家庭观、弘扬家庭美德、反对婚姻家庭领域里的腐朽现象方面,做了大量工作。不久前,杂志社购买了新的办公室,社长请我们去为其乔迁剪彩,我们欣然前往,她们这种自力更生的精神,值得赞扬。新世纪之初,我们党召开了意义深远的十六大。它为我们制定了“全面建设小康社会”的奋斗目标,这一目标的实现,与我们城乡六亿多妇女息息相关;为实现这一目 Another spring has arrived, and another “March 8” Women’s Day has arrived. On this wonderful day, as the vice president of the All-China Women’s Federation, the first secretary of the Secretariat and the president of the China Marriage and Family Research Association, I would like to extend greetings to readers and sisters through the title page of Marriage and Family magazine. It has been 17 years since Marriage and Family was founded. Over the years, the magazine has done a great deal of work in promoting marriage law, advocating a civilized and progressive marriage and family outlook, promoting family virtues and opposing decadent phenomena in the field of marriage and family. Not long ago, the magazine bought a new office, and the president asked us to cut the ribbon for his move. We are pleased to go there. Their self-reliance is commendable. At the beginning of this new century, our party convened the profound 16th CPC Congress. It has set a goal for us to “build a well-off society in an all-round manner.” The realization of this goal is closely linked to the over 600 million women in our urban and rural areas. To achieve this goal
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