1、事故区域概况 天湖山矿区磨刀坑517水平姚阳春井,属天湖山能源实业有限责任公司曲斗煤矿井田范围内小煤井,根据国务院及福建省人民政府关于关闭国有煤矿井田范围内各类小煤井的实施方案,曲斗煤矿于2001年7月1日组织有关人员对该小煤井实施封闭。但
1 Overview of the accident area Tianhushan mining area sharpe pit 517 level Yao Yangchun well, Tianhu Mountain Energy Industry Co., Ltd. coal mines within the coal mine tunnel within the small coal well, according to the State Council and the Fujian Provincial People’s Government on the closure of the state-owned coal mine Small coal mine implementation program, Qu coal mines in July 1, 2001 to organize the staff to close the small coal mine. but