积极研究 注意解决城市供水价格的矛盾和问题毕井泉城市基础设施的建设和发展是关系到国民经济发展和人民生活水平的大事。现在我们正处于计划经济向市场经济过渡的过程中,有很多问题需要研究和探讨,特别是最近几年高度的通货膨胀,使基础产业、基础设施积累了很多价格...
Active research Attention to solve the contradictions and problems in the urban water supply price Bijingquan’s urban infrastructure construction and development is a major issue related to the development of the national economy and people’s living standards. Now that we are in the process of transition from a planned economy to a market economy, there are many problems that need to be studied and discussed. In particular, the high inflation in recent years has caused the accumulation of a lot of prices in basic industries and infrastructure...