体育与旅游已经越来越紧密地联系起来。在第21届世界大学生运动会举办之际,作为拥有丰富旅游资源的玉溪市旅游局审时度势一举夺得大运会网球比赛的冠名权。对此,玉溪市孙学明市长表示:“我谨代表玉溪市200多万各族人民对北京申奥成功表示热烈祝贺,并祝贺世界大学生运动会取得圆满成功。” 玉溪是古代中原文化与滇中文化的主要交融地之一,是名闻遐迩的云烟之乡、花灯之乡。在玉溪,以“牛虎铜案”为代表的青铜器,闪烁着早在两汉时期古滇文化的灿烂辉煌。具有科学研究价值的易门脚家店恐龙化石及被联合国教科文组织列为世界级文化遗产的澄江县帽天山寒武纪动物化石群声名远扬。玉溪地处云贵高原,位于云南省中
Sports and tourism are increasingly linked. At the 21st World University Games held on the occasion, as a tourism resource-rich Yuxi City Tourism Bureau took the time to judge the status of the Universiade tennis competition naming rights. In response, Mayor Sun Xueming of Yuxi City said: “On behalf of the over 2 million people of all ethnic groups in Yuxi, I hereby extend my warm congratulation on the success of Beijing’s Olympic bid and congratulate the success of the World University Games.” “Yuxi is an ancient Central Plains culture and the Central Yunnan One of the main blend of culture, is the famous cloud town, lantern town. In Yuxi, the bronze ware represented by the ”tiger tiger bronze case" shone with the splendid glory of ancient Dian culture as early as the Han Dynasty. It is famous for its scientific research value of Yimenjiaodian dinosaur fossils and Cambrian fossil fossils of the Cambrian capped mountains in Chengjiang County, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Yuxi is located in Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, located in Yunnan Province