
来源 :环境科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shibaotuan
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选取了酸性矿山废水污灌区重金属污染水稻土,通过盆栽试验研究了不同水分管理条件(60%最大田间持水量,80%最大田间持水量,最大田间持水量,前期淹水+抽穗扬花期烤田,全生育期淹水)下水稻根际土壤及其不同器官(稻根、茎叶和籽粒)中硫、Fe和Cd的含量变化.结果表明,随着土壤水分含量的增加,在分蘖期根际土壤中Cd的含量略有升高,在成熟期对水稻根际土壤中Fe和Cd含量的影响不大;水稻不同器官对铁的吸收逐渐增加,对Cd的吸收则逐渐减少,两者呈明显的负相关关系;但抽穗扬花期烤田对水稻各器官对Fe的吸收影响不大,却明显增加了各器官中Cd的含量.除旱作处理外,不同水分管理方式下,土壤中全硫和有效硫含量随着土壤水分含量增加逐渐减少,抽穗扬花期烤田能明显增加根际土壤中总硫和有效硫含量,水稻对Cd的吸收与根际硫含量增加存在协同关系.上述结果证实,水稻对Cd的吸收不仅与Fe吸收有关,土壤中硫的充分供给能显著增加Cd在水稻中的积累. In this paper, we selected the paddy soil polluted by heavy metals in acidic mining waste water irrigation area and studied the effects of different water management conditions (60% of the maximum field capacity, 80% of the maximum field capacity, maximum field capacity, pre-flooding + , Flooding during the whole growth period), the contents of sulfur, iron and cadmium in the rhizosphere soils and their different organs (rice roots, stems, leaves and kernels) of rice were studied.The results showed that with the increase of soil moisture content, The content of Cd in the soils was slightly increased, but had little effect on the contents of Fe and Cd in rhizosphere soil of rice at maturity. The absorption of iron in different organs of rice increased gradually and the absorption of Cd decreased gradually But there was a significant negative correlation between them.But heading and flowering stage had little effect on the absorption of Fe in various organs of rice, but significantly increased the content of Cd in different organs.Under the different treatments of water management, Sulfur and available sulfur content decreased with the increase of soil water content, heading and flowering stage can significantly increase total sulfur and available sulfur in rhizosphere soil, and there was synergistic relationship between absorption of Cd by rice and increased rhizosphere sulfur content. Confirmed , The absorption of Cd by rice is not only related to the absorption of Fe, but the sufficient supply of sulfur in soil can significantly increase the accumulation of Cd in rice.
一、何谓服务型校长 近年来,在学校管理中强调校长的“服务性”不仅是一种口号,也正在成为一种实践。如北京市八十中学把“助人成功”做为学校管理实践的基本理念,把学生、教师
目的:研究叶面喷施亚硒酸钠对滁菊品质及抗氧化酶活性的影响。方法:通过田间试验,研究叶面喷施不同浓度亚硒酸钠(100、150、200、250 g/hm2)对滁菊硒含量、产量、总黄酮与多
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