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作为深受东西方文化熏陶的土耳其作家帕慕克,其代表作《我的名字叫红》当中也不乏阿拉伯古典文学的影响。本文将从谢库瑞和山鲁卡德两位女性角色的塑造入手,通过对二人在生存境遇、生存策略以及生存智慧三方面的比较研究,来梳理阿拉伯古典文学《一千零一夜》对于《我的名字叫红》的影响。 Pamuk, a Turkish writer deeply influenced by Eastern and Western cultures, also has some influence on Arab classical literature in his masterpiece “My Name Is Red.” This article will start with the shaping of the two female characters, Xie Kerui and Lukuk, through the comparative study of the two living conditions, survival strategies and survival wisdom to sort out the Arabian classic literature “Arabian Nights” Impact on “My name is red”.