(一) 1949年浙江大陆解放后,盘踞在大陈、披山、一江山等岛的残存蒋军,经常派遣飞机、舰艇对我沿海地区进行袭扰,破坏渔业生产和海上交通。为保卫沿海人民正常的生产和生活,1954年4月,华东军区党委根据中央军委指示,决心组织陆海空三军联合渡海登陆作战,解放大陈、一江山等岛屿。在进行了一系列准备工作后,于1954年12月组成华东军区浙东前线指挥部。由华东军区参谋长张爱萍任前指司令员,浙江军区代司令员林维先、华东军区空军司令员聂凤智、华东军区海军副司令员彭德清和参谋长马冠三任前指副司令员,华东军区
(1) After the liberation of Zhejiang in 1949, the remaining Jiang Jun, entrenched in Dachen, Pishan and Yijiangshan Islands, frequently dispatched planes and ships to harass coastal areas and undermine fishery production and maritime traffic. In April 1954, in accordance with the instructions of the Central Military Commission, the East China Military District Party Committee determined to organize a joint naval, cross-sea and landing operation of the armed forces of the land, sea and air force to liberate the islands of Taicang and Yiangshan in order to defend the normal production and life of the coastal people. After a series of preparatory work, in December 1954 formed East China Military Region East Front Command. From the East China Military Region Chief of Staff Zhang Aiping former commander, Zhejiang Military Region on behalf of Commander Lin Weixian, East China Military Region Air Force commander Nie Fengzhi, East China Military Region deputy commander Peng Deqing and chief of staff Ma Guanzan, former deputy commander, East China Military Region