半夏(Pinellia ternata)以块茎入药,能润燥化痰,降逆止呕,消痞散结。笔者于1978~1984年在半夏生产县安密进行了栽培试验,面积共7.36亩,平均单产鲜半夏330.6公斤,最高亩产达433.99公斤。现将试验情况初报如下。1.自然条件安禹城南地处四川盆地浅丘陵区,沱江之北,涪江之南,北纬30°07′,东经105°21′,海拔300~350米,年平均气温17.8℃,相对湿度76~86%,1月最低温度—3.7℃,7月最高温度40.2℃,无霜期324天,年日照时数1393.5小时,年降雨量
Pinellia (Pinellia ternata) Tuber medicine, can moistening phlegm, Jiangni vomiting, Xiaopi Sanjie. In 1978 ~ 1984, the author conducted cultivation experiments in Amn., An area of Pinellia ternata producing area, with an area of 7.36 mu. The average yield was 330.6 kg of fresh summer pine and the highest yield was 433.99 kg per mu. Now the initial test report as follows. 1. Natural conditions An Yu Chengnan is located in the shallow hilly area of Sichuan Basin, north of Tuo River, south of Fujiang River, latitude 30o 07 ’, longitude 105o 21’, elevation of 300 ~ 350m, annual average temperature of 17.8 ℃, relative humidity 76-86%, the lowest temperature in January -3.7 ℃, the highest temperature in July 40.2 ℃, frost-free period 324 days, annual sunshine hours 1393.5 hours, annual rainfall