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  Dennis Sinar, 61, a doctor from Washington, N.C., is quick to explain why he took a yearlong break from his job. “I was pretty burned out after 1)practicing medicine for 26 years,” said Dr. Sinar, a 2)gastroenterologist and professor of medicine at East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C. “I needed a 3)recharge.”
  So he took a “gap year,” from July 2007 to June 2008, to explore things like stone 4)masonry, antique restoration, 5)archaeology and traditional Eastern medicine, in locations 6)spanning from Alaska to Nepal to Romania. “I think everyone in his heart of hearts has some things they have always wanted to do but for one reason or other never does,” Dr. Sinar said.
  Taking a break from work is an excellent way for adults to 7)segue into a new career or 8)invigorate an old one, said Holly Bull, president of the Center for 9)Interim Programs in Princeton, N.J., which sets up gap-year programs. The group works mainly with college-age students, but it has also served older adults since it was formed 28 years ago. In recent years, mid-career breaks have been 10)garnering more interest, she said.
  A report on adult gap years released in July 2008 by Mintel International, a market research company, described the potential American market for gap years as a “sleeping giant.” And now, with job cuts on the rise, the newly unemployed may find the 11)timing for a gap year to be ideal.
  Planning a gap year “takes a little more preparation for adults,” Ms. Bull said. Concerns about 12)finances and job prospects are more common, she said. Costs range widely, depending in part on location and the types of programs. Ms. Bull estimates that an average gap year runs $6,000 to $15,000, or less “if you keep travel down and do low-cost programs.” You don’t have to be wealthy to finance a gap year, said Susan Griffith, author of Gap Years for Grown-Ups. If a schoolteacher were to rent out his or her home for six months, “the rent would go a long way to paying their daily expenses in a developing country like Cambodia or Bolivia,” she said.
  Dr. Sinar limited expenses by working for 13)room and board on some programs. In Nepal, home stays with local families were arranged, which helped to lower costs. The entire year does not have to be spent away from home, either. Dr. Sinar was away about seven months during his year off, which included extended stays at home between programs. That schedule made the experience easier for his partner, Kathryn, who also visited him on location several times.
  “A gap year is a challenge for the older individual to step out of a comfort zone and take a risk; I enjoyed that side most,” said Dr. Sinar, who kept a daily blog about his experience. His time studying Eastern medicine “14)reaffirmed the reasons I went into health care,” said Dr. Sinar, who returned to practice medicine at his old job, although he works fewer days. “I use those experiences to provide more 15)compassionate care,” he added. “And I listen better than I did before.”
  By contrast, Lee Attix of South Portland, Me., 52, used skills gained during a gap year more than 10 years ago to switch careers from sales and marketing into work focused on wildlife. “I wanted more than just a 16)paycheck and doing a job,” he said. His gap-year volunteer experiences included trail maintenance in Vermont, a 17)stint at a farm in Arkansas devoted to ending world hunger, and study of endangered hawks in Utah. It 18)paid off. He was offered paid seasonal work in 19)loon conservation. Today he is a manager for BioDiversity Research Institute, a small nonprofit in Gorham, Me. Taking a gap year “was the best thing I ever did career-20)wise,” he said.
  Tari Marcou, 54, of Hamilton, Ohio, was working as a program coordinator for an adult leadership program at Ohio State University several years ago when she realized she needed a mid-career break. Her children were grown, and she was able to sell her house for a profit. She gave her dog and her furniture to her daughter for safe-keeping and started a gap year that included time at a meditation 21)retreat in France, organic farms in Italy and a wildlife 22)awareness center in South Africa. After returning to the United States, she was approached about a new job at Ohio State “for a 23)sizable increase in salary,” she said. Instead of pursuing the job, she 24)parlayed her passion for travel into a new career by becoming a 25)certified tour director. “I feel like I finally found where I need to be,” she said.
  Dennis Garritan, chairman of the department of leadership and human capital management at New York University, said a gap-year experience could be worthwhile for employees and companies. For employees, “investing in themselves and enhancing skill sets is a strategic move that will pay 26)dividends throughout their career,” Dr. Garritan said. He added that returning employees feel refreshed and have given thought to their careers. For companies, offering unpaid leaves makes good sense for recruitment and 27)retention of talented employees and is a more creative long-term way to 28)weather the economic 29)downturn than 30)layoffs.
  “My hope is that this takes off,” Dr. Garritan said. “We’re all thinking, ‘What’s my next act?’ ”
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