交通运输的发展主要有两个动因,一是不断追求自身发展,为经济社会提供更好的运输服务,另一个是经济社会对交通运输不断提出新的需求, 促使交通运输不断向前发展。因此,科技是推进交通运输自身发展的动力, 经济发展则对交通运输有积极的拉动作用。但在各国不同的经济社会发展阶段,交通运输又有不同的发展战略和目标。
There are two main motivations for the development of transport. First, it is constantly pursuing its own development and providing better transport services for the economy and society. The other is that the economic and social sectors continue to make new demands for transport so as to promote continuous development of transport. Therefore, science and technology are the motive force for promoting the development of transportation itself and economic development has a positive stimulating effect on transportation. However, at different stages of economic and social development in different countries, transportation has different development strategies and goals.