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黑河专员各市县旗长:统计工作,是在厂矿里,监督与检查生产计划执行情况不可缺少的工作。它不论是在生产管理上,以及技术改进上,都是领导上一个有力的工作助手。但是,这一工作在过去,由于厂矿的统计组织机构不健全(厂矿统计员七五·六%为兼职),统计人员水平低,再加上个别厂矿领导同志不会利用统计组织来推动,与改进工作,因而未能起到它应起的现实作用。现今国家计划经济已步入正轨,为了适应计划经济,和对厂矿科学管理工作上的需要,必须加强厂矿的统计工作。因此特作如下指示:一、组织机构:根据我省厂矿车间的大小,职工人数的多少,和生产过程烦杂程度的具体情况,确定设立统计股、统计组、 HeiHong Commissioner cities and counties flag leader: Statistical work is in the mines, supervision and inspection of the implementation of production plans indispensable work. It is in the production management, as well as technical improvements, are leading a strong work assistant. However, in the past, due to the imperfect statistical organization of factories and mines (75.6% of factories and mine statisticians are part-timers), the low level of statisticians and the leading comrades of various factories and mines do not make use of statistical organizations to promote and Improve its work and thus fail to fulfill the realistic role it should play. Nowadays, the planned economy of our country is on the right track. In order to meet the planned economy and the need of science and management in factories and mines, we must strengthen the statistical work of factories and mines. Therefore, special instructions for the following: First, the organization: According to the size of the plant and mine in our province, the number of workers, and the specific circumstances of the complexity of the production process to determine the establishment of statistical units, statistical groups,
本期客座总编辑  马未都:文化学者,观复博物馆创办人及现任馆长。1996年,马未都创办中华人民共和国第一家私立博物馆——观复博物馆。2008年,马未都登上“2008第三届中国作家富豪榜”第5位,引发广泛关注。同年获得中国收藏界十大人物称号。  世事洞明皆学问。马未都有极其丰富的阅历,见闻广博。为什么要讲国宝故事?他说,讲国宝故事,其实就是在讲述历史。五千年的中华文明,流传下来不计其数的奇珍异宝,凝
近日,上市公司柳工公告称,公司间接控股股东柳工集团混改成功签约。此次混改,柳工集团在引入7家战略投资者的同时,1274名骨干员工以2.23亿元增资持股。市场人士表示,新证券法实施后,国企混改实施员工持股计划200人的人数限制“障碍”已经消除,有助于国有企业更好地利用资本市场的融资和资源配置功能,进行市场化的资源整合,做强做优。“引入战投 员工持股”模式  柳工集团表示,柳工集团此次混改,构建了“中