In the German-Japanese crime theory system, the contents of the constitutional requirements have undergone an ever-expanding process. From objective narrative elements, to subjective normative elements, and then to intentional negligence into the constituent elements, and finally to the constituent elements of blame. The driving force behind the continuous expansion of the constituent elements is the evolution of the functions of the constituent elements from “guiding image ” to “criminal type ”. Constituent elements are the types of crimes, that is, the types of violations of law. The most fundamental feature of these elements is the typological nature, which can reflect the violations and liabilities of specific criminal acts. Constituent requirements elements should be factual elements, rather than value elements; is a positive factor, rather than a negative factor. In order to give full play to the criminal type functions of the constituent elements, the elements of culpability, illegality and intentional negligence should not be the factors which obstruct liability but should be the presumption of responsibility, which should be included in the constitutional requirements. To clarify the relationship between the subjective elements and the objective elements, the elements of illicit elements and the elements of responsibility in constitutional elements will become the most urgent task in the system of criminal theory in Germany and Japan.