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实施“龙形战略”的政策指导方针实施“龙形战略”的指导方针可概括为:运用中轴驱动原理使全国各区域经济聚集成一个整体,通过科技创新,用科教兴国的经济成长逻辑,使中国走上陆海空立体可持续发展之路,实现中国区域经济跨越式发展。1.以发展区域生产力为中心,走区域综合发展之路要按照有利于发展生产力的标准,对“龙形”区域实行多模式、多角度、多元化、差异化的综合开发。包括:一是采取国家、地方、集体、个人承包、中外合资、外商独资等多主体一起上的开发方针,充分调动社会力量,以加大开发力度;二是坚持区段服从流域、流域服从全国的方针,上、中、下游协 Implementation of the “Dragon Strategy” Policy Guidelines Implementation The “Dragon Strategy” guidelines can be summarized as: the use of the principle of the central axis of the country’s regional economy together as a whole, through scientific and technological innovation, through science and education to rejuvenate the country The logic of economic growth has enabled China to embark on a three-dimensional sustainable development of land, sea and air and achieve a leapfrog development in China’s regional economy. 1. Take the development of regional productivity as the center and take the road of comprehensive development of the region in accordance with the criteria conducive to the development of productive forces and implement comprehensive development of multi-mode, multi-angle, pluralism and differentiation in the “dragon-shaped” region. Include: First, take the development guidelines of the national, local, collective, individual contracting, Sino-foreign joint ventures, wholly foreign-owned and other multi-subjects together to fully mobilize social forces in order to increase development efforts; second, adhere to the section to obey watershed, watershed obey the national The principle of cooperation in the middle and lower reaches
对线路水准基点建网方案设计进行研究,通过相关分析得出:在平均海拔700 m以上地区,正常水准面不平行改正量的影响较为显著,高差数据应进行相应改正,有利于国家水准点的闭合;在
<正>所谓谜语,刘勰在《文心雕龙》中曾下过定义:“谜者,回互其辞,使昏迷也。”出谜者总是故布疑阵,猜谜者则寻找蛛丝马迹,双方称得上是智力的博弈。灯谜虽说是小制作, 其中却