First, the meaning of volt planing Volleyball planing orchard with the same area for many years orchard soil management an important measure. Because of the high terrain of Tongchuan, the altitude is as high as 1,000 meters and the soil layer is about 20-30 meters thick. The groundwater level is very low, generally 30-40 meters in depth. The soil is very arid, without irrigation conditions, with less rainfall, with an annual rainfall of around 450 millimeters and mostly concentrated between July and August. Due to the very arid spring in the spring, the moisture content in the 20 cm soil tillage layer is only 9%. The surface soil forms a plate knot, and the plowed soil is mostly massive. Therefore, in the spring arable land fertilization often can not get its due effect, so the general combination of planing tree leaves in the volt days, the human waste, manure, sheep manure mixed concentrated under the crown for top dressing. At the same time V days are positive rainy season, due to soil moist, loose, easy to hurt the roots after planing, but also in