古希腊,是享誉世界的闻名古国。建筑,是镶嵌在古希腊灿烂文明史上的一颗璀璨明珠。早在2500多年以前,古希腊建筑(Greek architecture)就以规模宏大、雕刻精致、造型优美而举世闻名。建于公元前五世纪的帕提依神庙(Parthenon,Athens),就是古希腊建筑的一座丰碑,世界建筑史上光耀千古的杰作! 帕提侬神庙建于古希腊经济繁荣、文化昌明的鼎盛时期——公元前447~438年,是古希腊人为纪念在希波战争中所取得的伟大胜利,而献给雅典城邦的保护神——帕拉斯·雅典娜的,愿意为“处女宫”。帕拉斯·雅典娜,希腊语为“刚强的雅典女子”。在古希腊神话传说中,雅典娜是众神之王宙斯、智慧女神墨提斯的女儿。因此,雅典娜集力量与智慧于一身,凶猛无比,睿智超群,是战神、智慧神、冶炼神、手工艺神,是奥林匹斯圣山最著名的12个神祗之一,备受
Ancient Greece is a world famous ancient country. Architecture is a brilliant pearl embedded in the history of the ancient civilization of Greece. As early as 2,500 years ago, Greek architecture was world-famous for its grand scale, exquisite carvings, and beautiful shapes. The Parthenon (Athens), built in the 5th century BC, is a monument of ancient Greek architecture. The history of the world’s architecture shines through the ages! The Temple of Patiti is built on the prosperity of the ancient Greek economy and cultural prosperity. Period - 447 ~ 438 BC, was the ancient Greeks to commemorate the great victory in the Greek War, and dedicated to the protection of the city of Athens - Pallas Athena, is willing to “Virgo Palace” . Pallas Athena, Greek for “strong Athens woman.” In ancient Greek myths and legends, Athena was the daughter of Zeus, goddess of the gods, and Metis, goddess of wisdom. Therefore, Athena combines strength and wisdom in one, extremely ferocious, wise and superior, is the god of war, wisdom, smelting God, craftsmanship God, is one of the 12 most famous shrines of Mount Olympus, much