1例50岁肺腺癌男性患者化疗前为预防呕吐给予奥美拉唑40 mg静脉滴注,以及昂丹司琼8 mg静脉滴注。昂丹司琼滴注约15 min时,患者前胸和双臂出现皮疹。停用昂丹司琼,给予地塞米松和异丙嗪治疗。40 min后皮疹遍及全身,继之出现视物模糊、出冷汗、胸闷、乏力、脉搏弱及心音低。查体:HR 75次/min,BP 50/40 mm Hg。给予吸氧、皮下注射肾上腺素、静脉推注地塞米松及静脉滴注多巴胺治疗。患者症状缓解,5 h后生命体征平稳。
A 50-year-old male patient with lung adenocarcinoma received intravenous inoculation of 40 mg omeprazole and 8 mg of ondansetron 8 mg for the prevention of vomiting prior to chemotherapy. Ondansetron drip about 15 min, the patient chest and arms rash. Ondansetron was discontinued and dexamethasone and promethazine were given. After 40 min the rash spreads throughout the body, followed by blurred vision, a cold sweat, chest tightness, fatigue, weak pulse and low heart sounds. Physical examination: HR 75 beats / min, BP 50/40 mm Hg. Give oxygen, subcutaneous injection of epinephrine, intravenous dexamethasone and intravenous drip dopamine treatment. The patient’s symptoms were relieved, and vital signs were stable after 5 hours.