有资料显示,我国物流管理软件的市场规模将有望在未来几年内超过ERP,成为企业管理信息化的主流软件。由此,物流管理软件以一个市场新兴热点的姿态,引来参与竞争的众多厂商。但问题在于,目前的物流软件开发商多从企业管理软件厂商转型而来,对于企业物流的结构特点和运作情况不甚了解,对国内物流业现状也不是很熟悉,因此,在物流软件的开发方面缺乏针对性和实用性。未来,物流软件究竟能给物流企业带来哪些实际的利益?能给物流企业降低多少实际成本?ERP 与 WMS进行PK 之后前途如何?专业化的物流软件未来将走向何处?什么是SCM软件最国际化的定义?以上谜团,将在本期热点报道中一一解答。
Data shows that the market size of China’s logistics management software will be expected in the next few years more than ERP, enterprise management information into the mainstream software. As a result, logistics management software to a hot new market posture, attracted many competitors to participate in the competition. But the problem is that the current logistics software developers more from the enterprise management software vendors from the restructuring of the enterprise structure and operation of the logistics do not quite understand the status quo of the domestic logistics industry is not very familiar with, therefore, in the development of logistics software Lack of relevance and practical aspects. In the future, logistics software, logistics companies can actually bring what practical benefits? To logistics companies how much to reduce the actual cost? ERP and WMS after PK how the future? Professional logistics software where will the future? What is the most SCM software The definition of international? The above mystery, in this issue of hot coverage one by one answer.