近日,从山东煤矿莱芜机械厂传来喜讯:今年上半年累计实现工业总产值1.42亿元,同比提高56%,实现订货2.64亿元,同比增长88%,实现销售收入和回款同比提高46%、47%。各项经济指标均创历史最高记录。全厂呈现出市场稳定、产能提高、效益明显、人气旺盛的喜人景象。成绩的取得得益于该厂对科学发展观的深刻领悟和实践。 1999年12月,厂新班子上任时,受国家经济大环境等多种因素的影响,市场萎缩,效益滑坡,职工情绪低落,当年
Recently, good news came from Laiwu Machinery Plant in Shandong Coal Mine: In the first half of this year, the total industrial output value reached 142 million yuan, an increase of 56% over the same period of last year, achieving an order of 264 million yuan with an increase of 88% over the same period of last year. The sales revenue and the repayment amount increased by 46% , 47%. All economic indicators hit the highest record in history. The whole plant has shown a stable market, production capacity increase, the obvious benefit, popular gratifying scene. Achievements obtained thanks to the plant’s insight into the scientific concept of development and practice. In December 1999, when the new team took office, due to the influence of various factors such as the country’s economic environment, the market shrank, the efficiency declined, and the mood of workers was depressed. In the same year