当今世界,信息化已成为经济发展的战略资源和独特的生产要素,信息作为最积极、最有生命力的新兴的社会生产力的代表,正日益成为社会与经济发展的强大动力。因此,提高医院卫技人员的信息素养是十分必要的。1 信息素养的基本内涵1989年,美国图书馆协会对信息素养作了如下定?
In today’s world, informatization has become a strategic resource for economic development and a unique production factor. Information, as the most active and most dynamic representative of emerging social productive forces, is increasingly becoming a powerful driving force for social and economic development. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the information literacy of hospital health workers. 1 The basic content of information literacy In 1989, the American Library Association made the following decisions on information literacy.