作者对肺结核短程疗法中常用的抗结核药物,按近似于病人使用的药物血浓度,系统地观查了这些药物单一的和联合的在试管内杀菌作用。采用液体Tween-白蛋白培养基,以对数期培养的结核菌(H 37 Rv在第4天和为7天平均减少的活菌数为指标。在单一药物中,链霉素杀菌作用最高,利福平和异烟肼次之,至于乙胺丁醇杀菌作用最小,且至少在接触药物4天后才出现杀菌作用。在两药联合中,链霉素和异烟肼、异烟肼和乙胺丁醇、链霉素和利福平有协同作用或附加作用;异烟肼和利福平、链霉素和乙胺丁醇之间互无作用;利福平和乙胺丁醇、
The authors systematically examined the sterilant and antimicrobial effects of these drugs both singly and in combination in a test tube, on the basis of the blood concentrations of the drugs commonly used in patients with TB antituberculosis drugs commonly used in TBT. Using liquid Tween-albumin medium, the viable count of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H 37 Rv decreased on average on day 4 and for 7 days) was used as an indicator in a logarithmic phase.Under the single drug, streptomycin had the highest bactericidal activity, Rifampicin and isoniazid followed, as the smallest bactericidal effect of ethambutol, and at least in contact with drugs 4 days after the emergence of bactericidal effect in the two drugs combined, streptomycin and isoniazid, isoniazid and ethylamine Butanol, streptomycin, and rifampin have synergistic or additive effects; isoniazid and rifampicin, streptomycin and ethambutol have no effect between each other; rifampin and ethambutol,