【摘 要】
If there were a prize for the number of names for the same sandwich,the po’ boy would probably win. It has been called a hoagie, a grinder, ahero, a submarine, and a torpedo, among others.1
If there were a prize for the number of names for the same sandwich,the po’ boy would probably win. It has been called a hoagie, a grinder, ahero, a submarine, and a torpedo, among others.1
《皇家赌场》(Casino Royale)是007系列电影的第21部作品,而今年正好是21世纪的007年(即以007结尾的年份,如1007、2007等等),这不能不说是个美丽的巧合。
My father died, when I was five. It was hard on usall. With time the wounds healed. My brother, who iseight years older than me, began to watch over1 mymother and me.
Spirit, NASA’s scrappy exploration robot,1has been snapping some breathtakingphotos of Mars. More portraits of red-tinged landscapes should emerge shortly, as Spiritventures forth from its lander.2 Bu
Young Tiger Woods Tiger Woods won his first international tournament2atthe age of eight. This was not his first tournament victoryhowever. That came in a 10-and-under tournament—whenTiger Woods was t
Casino Royale introduces James Bond beforehe holds his licence to kill. Bond’s first 007mission takes him to Madagascar (马达加斯加非洲岛国) where he is to spy on a terrorist (恐怖分子), Mollaka. Following a lead
It happened in my junior high school. I was then inClass5, Grade 2. One day, my English teacher told methat she was going to be out1 the next day for a meetingand asked me to give a lesson to her clas