简要介绍了联合在束 γ装置 ,经过十多年实验和发展的基本概况 ,以及最近使用 10套 BGO(AC)HPGe探测器在北京 HI- 13串列加速器上进行了 12 8Te+19F、NZr+19F、115In+3 5Cl反应的首批实验
This paper briefly introduces the basic situation of the joint γ-beam device after more than a decade of experiment and development, and recently conducted the 12 8Te + 19F, NZr + 12F tandem accelerator at Beijing HI-13 tandem accelerator using 10 BGO (AC) HPGe detectors. 19F, 115In + 3 5Cl reaction of the first batch of experiments