
来源 :江苏城市规划 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnanjr
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随着“找路难”逐渐成为国内大部分城市普遍存在的问题,构建一个完善有效的导向设施系统成为城市发展建设的重要工程。文章以江苏昆山市公共空间导向规划研究为例,首先讨论城市导向的概念内容,明确了城市公共空间导向系统是这次研究的主要对象,根据城市寻路过程的基本模式,通过模拟分析的方法,得出在城市寻路过程中产生断点的主要影响因素。在此基础上,结合问题和昆山的发展现状,重点提出了构建城市公共空间导向系统的几个主要手段:导向系统分类、导向信息内容分类与分级、导向分区控制。本文希望通过跨学科的实践研究,针对现在我们面临的特殊局面,提出新的思路和对策,也为后续构建城市公共空间导向系统的研究提供一个基础性的案例。 With the “find a way difficult ” has become a common problem in most cities in China, to establish a complete and effective guidance facilities system has become an important project of urban development and construction. Taking Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, as an example, the study of public space orientation planning in Jiangsu Province firstly discusses the concept of city orientation and clarifies that urban public space orientation system is the main object of this study. According to the basic mode of city path finding process and the method of simulation analysis The main influencing factors of breakpoints in urban road-finding process are obtained. On this basis, combined with the problem and the current development of Kunshan, several key measures to construct the urban public space oriented system are put forward: classification of guidance system, classification and grading of oriented information content and oriented zoning control. This article hopes that through the interdisciplinary practical research, we will put forward new ideas and countermeasures for the special situation we now face, and also provide a basic case for the follow-up study of the urban public space oriented system.
每年学校组织秋游,我都会带上一盒香喷喷的寿司,可是妈妈却为了这一盒寿司费了很大的功夫,这让我的心里别有一番滋味。  和往常秋游一样,妈妈准备为我做寿司。一早,我听见厨房里传来了一阵声响,我睁开睡眼惺忪的双眼一看,居然才四点,我迷迷糊糊从被窝里钻出来,发现妈妈已做好白米饭,香味弥漫了整个厨房。她正麻利地取出紫菜皮平铺在竹帘子上,在紫菜上均匀地铺上用寿司醋拌过的米饭,接着在米饭上依次放肉松、黄瓜条、胡