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别致高雅的丽钟阁丽钟阁,学名Tauaresia grandiflora,又名丽钟角,为萝藦科丽钟角属多浆植物,深绿色肉质茎柱状,丛生,高20厘米,粗1.5~2厘米,具棱10~14条,棱上密生紫色小疣突,疣突先端有3根刚毛状白色刺,中间的一根较长,两边的两根呈“八”字形分开,极为别致。花着生于新生茎的基部,1~4朵聚生,漏斗形,花筒长9~14厘米,直径4.5厘米,花冠联合,黄绿色或黄褐色,中有红褐色斑点和条纹。5月下旬至 Chic elegant Li Zhongge Li Zhongge, scientific name Tauaresia grandiflora, also known as Li Zhongjiao, as Rhododendron bellflower is a pulp plant, dark green fleshy stem columnar, tufted, 20 cm high, thick 1.5 to 2 cm, with edges 10 to 14, rib on the edge of the small wart purple, wart apex has three bristly white thorn, the middle of a longer, the two sides of the two were “eight” -shaped apart, very chic. Flowers are born in the base of new stems, 1 to 4 Poly students, funnel-shaped, flower length of 9 to 14 cm, 4.5 cm in diameter, corolla, yellow-green or tan, with reddish-brown spots and stripes. In late May to
1998年秋采集无花果种条进行冬季沙藏 ,1999年春季建密植丰产园 ,通过摘心、扣棚等措施 ,当年株产达 4 .2kg ,每 6 77m2 产量 2 6 33.4kg ,实现当年扦插、当年成园、当年结果