【摘 要】
Mix-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures (vdWHs) have inspired worldwide interests and efforts in the field of ad-vanced electronics and optoelectronics. The fundamental understanding of interfacial charge transfer is of vital import-ance for guidin
【机 构】
Key Laboratory for Micro-Nano Physics and Technology of Hunan Province,College of Materials Science
Mix-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures (vdWHs) have inspired worldwide interests and efforts in the field of ad-vanced electronics and optoelectronics. The fundamental understanding of interfacial charge transfer is of vital import-ance for guiding the design of functional optoelectronic applications. In this work, type-Ⅱ0D-2D CdSe/ZnS quantum dots/MoS2 vdWHs are designed to study the light-triggered interfacial charge behaviors and enhanced optoelectronic performances. From spectral measurements in both steady and transient states, the phenomena of suppressed photolu-minescence (PL) emissions, shifted Raman signals and changed PL lifetimes provide strong evidences of efficient charge transfer at the 0D-2D interface. A series of spectral evolutions of heterostructures with various QDs overlapping concentrations at different laser powers are analyzed in details, which clarifies the dynamic competition between exciton and trion during an efficient doping of 3.9×1013 cm?2. The enhanced photoresponses (1.57×104 A·W–1) and detectivities (2.86×1011 Jones) in 0D/2D phototransistors further demonstrate that the light-induced charge transfer is still a feasible way to optimize the performance of optoelectronic devices. These results are expected to inspire the basic understand-ing of interfacial physics at 0D/2D interfaces, and shed the light on promoting the development of mixed-dimensional op-toelectronic devices in the near future.
包钢钢管公司Φ180 mm机组煤气环形加热炉是钢管生产轧制过程中最重要的设备.文章分析了煤气环形加热炉燃烧控制系统存在煤气热值不稳定、流量元件检测不准、阀门流量特性偏失等缺陷,采取了升级温度控制程序,引入空气过剩系数自动修正策略,预留空燃比自动调节接口,新增空气总管压力自动控制,新增炉压自动控制软件,新增自动启炉和气密测试功能,新增回路基本报警、连锁等燃烧控制系统智能化升级的改造措施,最终实现了较为稳定的智能燃烧系统.
规格为Φ325 mm×10 mm的P22高压锅炉管经正火+回火热处理后,由于壁厚较薄,冷却速度较快导致硬度值超出标准上限.通过试验研究,提出一种“正火后缓冷+空冷+回火”热处理新工艺.控制正火后冷却速度,P22钢管热处理后得到铁素体+珠光体为主的显微组织,是保证其具有良好综合力学性能的关键.
文章通过测定BT-65 MnRE钢在不同冷速下的连续冷却转变曲线,利用金相显微镜观察了不同冷速下的显微组织.结果表明:试验钢BT-65 MnRE的相变点Ac1为707℃,Ac3为764℃,当冷却速度为1~4℃/s时,室温组织为珠光体+先共析铁素体,当冷却速度为5~8℃/s时,室温组织为珠光体+贝氏体+马氏体+少量铁素体,当冷却速度为10~30℃/s时,室温组织为珠光体+马氏体+少量铁素体,当冷却速度大于40℃/s时,室温组织为马氏体.
通过对包钢生产的桥梁钢Q345 qDNH进行斜Y型坡口焊接裂纹试验、热影响区最高硬度试验及刚性对接试验,试验结果表明:20 mm厚的Q345qDNH桥梁钢冷裂纹敏感性不大,在实际焊接过程中采用不预热或者50℃的预热温度制度,可以避免Q345 qDNH桥梁钢冷裂纹的产生.
针对国内某车桥制造企业采用无缝钢管生产大胀形率车桥时出现的胀形区域开裂问题,设计开发了适用于大胀形率车桥用钢,并进行了无缝钢管产品试制和使用评价.结果表明,采用设计开发钢种生产的车桥用无缝钢管,延伸率为28%~31%,-60℃的纵向冲击功达到80 J,产品具有良好的塑性和低温冲击韧性.经用户批量使用,采用设计钢种生产的无缝钢管在大胀形时未发生开裂现象.
In many application scenarios, silicon (Si) photonics favors the integration of Ⅲ-V gain material onto Si substrate to real-ize the on-chip light source. In addition to the current popular integration approaches of Ⅲ-V-on-Si wafer bonding or dir-ect heter