目的分析湖北省社区人群急性胃肠炎的发病趋势和流行特征。方法采用多阶段分层随机抽样法对湖北省社区人群急性胃肠炎患病情况进行回顾性调查,2012年1-12月每月入户进行面访,内容包括调查对象过去28 d急性胃肠炎的发生情况、临床表现、可疑饮食史等。结果共完成3 891份调查问卷,人群急性胃肠炎月患病率为4.06%(95%CI:3.44%~4.68%),加权月患病率为4.87%(95%CI:4.19%~5.55%)。自述食源性病例比例为56.96%,主要可疑食品种类为肉类(40.00%)和果蔬类(21.11%),可疑食品来自家庭的比例(61.11%)最高,其次是街头摊点(13.33%)。5岁以下幼儿、家庭常住人口数在3人以上的、家庭成员中有未成年人的、有外出史的人群急性胃肠炎患病率明显较高。结论湖北省社区人群急性胃肠炎患病情况比较严重,应尽快建立和完善食源性疾病监测体系,有针对性的降低社区人群急性胃肠炎的疾病负担。
Objective To analyze the incidence and epidemic characteristics of acute gastroenteritis in community population in Hubei province. Methods The multi-stage stratified random sampling method was used to investigate the prevalence of acute gastroenteritis among community population in Hubei Province. From January to December in 2012, a monthly interview was conducted to investigate the prevalence of acute gastroenteritis in the community in the past 28 days. The occurrence of inflammation, clinical manifestations, suspicious diet history. Results A total of 3 891 questionnaires were completed. The monthly prevalence rate of acute gastroenteritis was 4.06% (95% CI: 3.44% -4.68%) and the weighted monthly prevalence was 4.87% (95% CI: 4.19% -5.55 %). The percentage of foodborne cases reported was 56.96%. The main types of suspicious food were meat (40.00%) and fruits and vegetables (21.11%). The proportion of suspected foodstuffs coming from households was the highest (61.11%), followed by street stalls (13.33%). Children under 5 years of age, the family resident population of 3 or more, family members have minors, people with a history of exacerbation of acute gastroenteritis was significantly higher prevalence. Conclusion The prevalence of acute gastroenteritis in community population in Hubei Province is rather serious. A monitoring system for foodborne illness should be established and perfected as soon as possible to reduce the burden of disease of acute gastroenteritis in community population.