ABB涡轮增压器系统有限公司开发出一种可满足当前和今后几代功率在 10 0 0kW以上的低、中、高速发动机需要的TPL新型涡轮增压器系列。该系列涡轮增压器在压比、效率、通流能力上均得到提高 ,且这种结构紧凑的新型涡轮增压器优先考虑了用户对可靠性好、寿命长、大修期长和检修方便的要求。已有 30 0台TPL系列涡轮增压器装机运用 ,发动机的运用经验证实了在试验室内获得的热力学性能测量结果
ABB Turbocharger Systems Ltd. has developed a new family of TPL turbochargers that meet the needs of low, medium and high speed engines above and beyond 10kW at present and in future generations. This series of turbochargers in the pressure ratio, efficiency, flow capacity are improved, and this compact new turbocharger priority given to the user reliability, long life, long overhaul and easy maintenance overhaul Claim. 30 TPL series turbochargers have been installed, the engine experience has confirmed the thermodynamic properties obtained in the laboratory measurement results