1980年以来,利川市的疟疾发病呈散在分布,属疟疾散发区。年发病率1(?)以下。1989年元月,市人民医院在住院病人中先后8d 发生4例疟疾患者,经调查4例患者均无疟疾感染史,近期未到疟疾高发区。但是,4例患者在住院期间都输过同一供血员的血液,该供血员来自江苏省邗江县霍桥乡,嗣后,此供血员回江苏扬州市卫生防疫站采血镜检出间日疟原虫,结果表明,是一起由输血引起的疟疾感染,1989年全市疟疾发病5例,输血感染占发病总数的80%,应引起有关部门的重视。现将输同源血病例分述如下:
Since 1980, the incidence of malaria in Lichuan has been scattered and is a malaria distribution area. Annual incidence of 1 (?) Below. In January 1989, the People’s Hospital of City People took 4 malaria patients in the inpatients 8 days later. None of the 4 patients were investigated for malaria infection and no malaria was found recently. However, during the hospitalization, all four patients lost the blood of the same blood donor who came from Huqiao County, Qijiang County, Jiangsu Province. Subsequently, the blood donor returned to Yangzhou Municipal Health and Anti-Epidemic Station of Jiangsu Province to collect blood plasma from P. vivax, The results showed that it was a malaria infection caused by blood transfusion. In 1989, 5 cases of malaria were reported in the city and 80% of the total number of transfusions were caused by blood transfusion, which should arouse the attention of relevant departments. The case of homologous blood transfusion will now be described as follows: