
来源 :世界知识画报·艺术视界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ltxiong
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  When the contemporary generations inherit the traditional culture and arts, they should bring up contemporary perspective and mindset so as to integrate new themes into the fundamental artistic expressions of Chinese paintings. Besides the classic “four noble men”theme—plum blossom, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, there are still too many beautiful items that should be included in the bird-and-flower paintings. Song Zhencheng tried innovative forms of expression to combine the dynamics and statics, warmth and coldness, concretization and abstraction, etc. There are a great variety of tropical plants which can be used in the bird-and-flower paintings.


  Song Zhencheng obtained his Master’s Degree in Chinese Paintings from Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in 2009. He is the associate professor in the Chinese Painting Teaching and Research Office of Fine Arts and Design School, Shenyang Normal University. He serves as a member of China Artists Association, member of China Elaborate-style Painting Academy, member of Liaoning Artists Association.
  He held personal exhibitions in Shenyang in 2004 and 2014. His artworks were selected into various national exhibitions held in Wuxi, Harbin, Zhengzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, and many other cities in China since 2004.
  2010年《花语采摘——宋振成花鸟画作品展》 沈阳
  2004年《山花印象——宋振成花鸟画作品展》 沈阳
  “中国艺术新视界2018”——国家艺术基金青年艺术创作人才(美术、书法、摄影、工艺美术)滚动资助作品巡展(国家艺术基金主办) 北京
  中国美术馆青年艺术家提名展(中国美术馆主办) 北京
  黎昌第三届全国青年国画年展一等奖(中国美术馆主办) 北京
  第一届全国中国画学术展二等奖(中国画学会主办) 北京
  第三届全国中国画展(中国美协主办) 北京
  2016 年全国中国画展(中国美协主办) 山东
  第十六届亚运会全国中国画展(中国美协主办) 广州
  第八届全国工笔画展(中国美协主办) 北京
  第七届全国工笔画展(中国美协主办) 北京
  翰墨新象——全国中国画作品展(中国美协主办) 上海
  锦绣中原——中国画作品展(中国美协主办) 郑州
  2004 年全国中国画作品展(中国美协主办) 无锡
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