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经国务院同意,国家计委、国家经贸委和国家体改委近日决定选择第二批大型企业集团进行试点。 选择第二批大型企业集团的立足点是建立现代企业制度,转换企业经营机制,构造母子公司体制,发挥群体优势,提高企业的发展能力和市场竞争力。 试点企业集团应具备的条件是:(1)已经国家或省级有关部门批准成立,并在工商管理部门进行登记的企业集团;或根据国家产业结构调整的需要,正在筹备组建的大型企业集团。(2)集团母公司和全资、控股子公司的资产规模、销售额和主要经济效益指标在全行业处于领先地位;资产负债率保持合理比例;科研开发能力及技术储备情况在全行业名列前茅;出口创汇1000万美元以上。(3)母公司有良好的经营业绩,发展前景看好。经营管理制度比较健全。(4)母公司不承担政府的行政管理职能,不是行政性公司或垄断性公司。 With the approval of the State Council, the State Development Planning Commission, the State Economic and Trade Commission and the National Economic Reform Commission decided in recent days to select the second batch of large-scale enterprise groups for pilot projects. The starting point for the selection of the second group of large-scale enterprise groups is to establish a modern enterprise system, transform enterprise operation mechanisms, construct a parent-subsidiary company system, give play to group advantages, and improve the company’s development capabilities and market competitiveness. The pilot enterprise group shall have the following conditions: (1) an enterprise group that has been approved by the relevant national or provincial authorities and registered in the industrial and commercial administration department; or a large-scale enterprise group that is preparing for the establishment according to the needs of the country’s industrial restructuring. (2) The Group’s parent company, wholly-owned and controlled subsidiaries’ assets, sales, and key economic indicators are in a leading position in the industry; the ratio of assets and liabilities is maintained at a reasonable ratio; the research and development capabilities and technology reserves are among the best in the industry; Foreign exchange earns more than 10 million U.S. dollars. (3) The parent company has a good operating performance and its development prospects are promising. The operating management system is relatively sound. (4) The parent company does not assume the government’s administrative management function, not an administrative company or a monopolistic company.
加强管理是企业一个永恒的主题。无论企业外部环境如何变化,无论什么时候,企业领导的主要精力都应该放在内部管理上。 一、转变观念,解决在企业管理上存在的一些片面认识 企
中国社会科学院中小企业研究中心近日归纳整理了关于深化中小企业产权改革的二十八条建义。 The Research Center for Small and Medium Enterprises of the Chinese Academ
围绕实现经济增长方式的转变 努力搞好纺机企业的技术改造工作──凌宝银主任在全国纺机行业技术改造工作会议上的讲话[编者按]纺机行业技术改造工作会议暨中国纺机器材工业协
中国(海南)改革发展研究院综合国内外的研究成果,近日提出关于深化农村经济改革的60条建议。建议涉及农产品供给、购销体制、土地和经营制 The China (Hainan) Research Ins
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我厂现有500多名职工,年产25000多辆“双嶷山牌”农用三轮运输车,只有6名专职检验人员,我们面对工作量大、人员少的局面,是怎样刨出自己的拳头产品、名牌产品的呢? 一、坚定