深海开采是一个多环节串联的系统工程,在数千米水深、承受海流和风浪流影响及海水腐蚀的环境下作业,作业条件恶劣,开采难度很大,这就对开发技术提出了很高的要求和需要较长的周期。据国外的经验,深海开采技术研究开发周期需要15~20 a的时间,才能达到深海预开采中间试验的目标。如以美国为首的几个国际财团自上世纪60年代中期研究开发至70年代末进行深海试验,花了近15 a时间;日本
Deep-sea mining is a multi-link system project in series, in the depth of several kilometers, to withstand the impact of sea currents and wind waves and seawater environment operations, poor working conditions, the exploitation of a great difficulty, which on the development of technology put forward a very high Requires and takes longer cycles. According to foreign experience, deep-sea mining technology research and development cycle takes 15 ~ 20 a time to reach the goal of pilot testing of deep-sea pre-mining. For example, several international consortia headed by the United States took deep sea tests from the research and development in the mid-1960s to the late 1970s, which took nearly 15 years. Japan