在垂直循环回流水槽中对黑(Sebastodes fuscescens)幼鱼个体的趋流性进行了统计分析。实验测定黑幼鱼个体的感应流速为0.10~0.15 m/s,喜爱流速为0.20~0.45 m/s,极限流速为0.6~0.7 m/s。用线性回归的方法对流速与体长的关系进行了统计分析,并应用t检验的方法对相关性进行了显著性分析,结果表明,t喜爱流速=31.06>t0.01(23)=2.81;t极限流速=47.71>t0.01(23)=2.81,因此,可以认为喜爱流速和极限流速与体长的相关关系是极显著的。为从触觉角度和鱼类的趋性对黑的聚礁机理研究提供参考。
The fluidity of individual individuals of black seabastodes fuscescens was statistically analyzed in a vertical circulation return sink. The experimental results showed that the induction flow rate of black juvenile was 0.10-0.15 m / s, the preferred flow rate was 0.20-0.45 m / s and the limit flow rate was 0.6-0.7 m / s. The relationship between velocity and body length was analyzed by linear regression method and the correlation was analyzed by t-test. The results showed that t-favorite flow rate = 31.06> t0.01 (23) = 2.81; The t-limit flow rate = 47.71> t0.01 (23) = 2.81. Therefore, it is considered that the correlation between the favorite flow rate and the limit flow rate and the body length is extremely significant. This study provides a reference for the mechanism of the reef mechanism of black from the perspective of tactile sense and the tendency of fish.