
来源 :浙江教育科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wingerwesker
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采用Rosenberg自尊量表和心理健康诊断测验对646名初中生的自尊和心理健康状况进行测量,包括292名学困生和354名普通生。结果表明:(1)学困生在学习焦虑、对人焦虑、过敏倾向和冲动倾向等方面的表现较普通生差,且两者的自尊差异不显著;(2)学困女生在学习焦虑、身体症状、恐怖倾向和冲动倾向等方面的表现较学困男生差,学困生自尊的性别差异也不显著;(3)自尊与MHT总分,以及对人焦虑、孤独倾向、自责倾向、过敏倾向、身体症状、恐怖倾向和冲动倾向之间均存在显著相关;(4)低自尊学困生在对人焦虑、孤独倾向、身体症状、恐怖倾向和冲动倾向等方面的表现优于高自尊学困生。 The self-esteem and mental health of 646 middle school students were measured using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Mental Health Diagnostic Test, including 292 poor students and 354 normal students. The results showed that: (1) Students with learning difficulties had more common students’ learning anxiety, anxiety, allergic tendency and impulsive tendencies, and there was no significant difference in their self-esteem; (2) Physical symptoms, terrorist tendencies and impulsive tendencies than those with poor academic performance and poor self-esteem; (3) Self-esteem and MHT scores, as well as their anxiety, loneliness, Allergic tendency, physical symptoms, terrorist tendencies and impulsive tendencies. (4) Students with low self-esteem had better performance than those with high self-esteem in anxiety, loneliness, physical symptoms, terrorist tendencies and impulsive tendencies Poor students.
在“十二五”规划开始之际,掌握高校贫困生的学习、生活及助学金发放的情况,有助于高校管理者们在解决贫困生问题上更新思路、改进方法,从而使贫困大学生朝着健康的方向成长、发展。   近年来,随着我国逐步加大对贫困生的资助力度,高校贫困生越来越受到社会各界的广泛关注。2009年我国普通高校在校生总人数为2285.15万人,其中家庭经济困难学生与家庭经济特别困难的学生的总人数693.1万人,占全部在校生总