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目的了解十几年来丰台区病残儿医学鉴定材料中人口学特征和病残儿疾病谱的变化。方法采用描述性统计方法回顾性对1993年~1997年(5年)与2005年~2009年(5年)丰台区病残儿医学鉴定资料进行比较分析。结果与1993年~1997年比:2005年~2009年病残儿鉴定数量明显下降,病残儿的性别比基本持平,病残儿父母的结婚年龄约推迟一岁,城镇户籍所占比例增多;在疾病的系统顺位中,列第一、二位的仍是神经、五官系统,但循环、泌尿生殖系统出现降位;病种顺位中,脑瘫仍居首位,构成比增加;感染性疾病、神经管畸形、先天性唇/腭裂近乎消失,先天性心脏病减少,此外,先天性疾病致残比例增高。结论相距12年后,丰台区病残儿医学鉴定材料中人口学特征有些变化,顺位列第一、二位的疾病系统未变,但病残儿的疾病谱发生了变化,此外,鉴定材料更完整、规范。 Objective To understand the demographic characteristics of disabled children in Fengtai District during the past decade and the changes of disease spectrum in disabled children. Methods Descriptive statistics were used to retrospectively analyze the medical identification data of disabled children in Fengtai District from 1993 to 1997 (5 years) and from 2005 to 2009 (5 years). Results Compared with 1993 to 1997, the number of disabled children apparently dropped from 2005 to 2009, the sex ratio of disabled children was basically the same, the marriageable age of disabled parents was postponed by one year and the proportion of urban household registration increased. In the systematic sequence of diseases, the first and second place are still nervous and facial features, but the cycle and genitourinary system appear to fall. In the same order of diseases, cerebral palsy still ranks the first place with an increase in composition ratio; Disease, neural tube defects, congenital lip / palate almost disappeared, congenital heart disease decreased, in addition, the proportion of disabling congenital diseases increased. Conclusion After 12 years, the demographic characteristics of the disabled children in Fengtai District changed somewhat. The first and second places had no change in the disease system, but the disease spectrum of disabled children changed. In addition, the identification materials More complete and standardized.
1 信州心肌病1.1 信州心肌病的发现 1953年4月,信州大学的小松富三男教授在访问长野县上水内郡鬼无里村时,曾与在田间劳动的妇女交谈,发现她们的脸、手微肿。当地人对此习