不识庐山真面目,只因身在此山中。人类的视觉所及始终有限:亲眼所见,未必真实;此刻拥有的,未必永恒。换一个角度看世界,世界也会给你全新的人生。2011年9月9日至10月23日,一场名为“鸟瞰地球”的展览在上海斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心免费开放。身兼全球著名环保人士和顶级航拍摄影师双重角色,雅安·阿瑟斯一伯特兰(Yann Arthus-Bertrand)携手欧米茄(OMEGA)将带给观者一种俯视壮美人类家园的全新体验。参展作品全是由数千张照片中精选出来的摄影作品,是摄影师自1990年就开始的漫长的研究工作的成果,极具情感力量,令人产生内心共鸣。
Do not know the true face of Lushan, only because of being in this mountain. Human vision has always been limited: the eyes see, may not be true; at this moment, may not be eternal. Look at the world from another perspective, the world will give you a new life. From September 9 to October 23, 2011, an exhibition entitled “Bird’s Eye View” was free at the Swatch Art Peace Center in Shanghai. Yann Arthus-Bertrand and OMEGA, both world-renowned environmentalists and top aerial photographers, will give viewers a new experience of overlooking the magnificent human beings. All the works on the show are photos taken from thousands of photos. They are the result of a long process of research conducted by photographers since 1990. They are very emotional and resonate with others.