尽管已有大量证据表明绝经后的雌激素替代治疗(简称 ERT)可对抗骨质疏松和心血管疾病,但关于ERT 和乳腺癌之间的联系,仍然受到争议。自从1991年美国的一项新闻报道中提及 ERT 会增加患乳腺癌的危险性之后,对于 ERT 的使用,无论是绝经妇女,甚或有些医生本身,都可能存在一些疑惑。虽然美国的疾病控制和预防中心,根据16份有关的研究报告,总结了 ERT 的15年之应用,计算出发生乳腺癌的相对危险性为1.3,95%可信限为2.6。但
Although there is abundant evidence that postmenopausal estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) can combat osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease, the link between ERT and breast cancer remains controversial. Since a 1991 US news report mentioned that ERT will increase the risk of breast cancer, there may be some doubts about the use of ERT, whether it is for postmenopausal women or even for some doctors themselves. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, based on 16 relevant studies, summarized the 15-year application of ERT, the relative risk of breast cancer was calculated to be 1.3, and the 95% confidence limit was 2.6. but