跟球,是指自他球距离较近(10厘米左右),撞击后,自球跟着他球同步直线滚动,并达到或接近预定目标。这种方法战术效果显著,实践中有五种打法。一、一般平打:用力击自球并撞他球后继续挥送已密贴的自他球;根据目标远近,可以打成1~2米或15~20米不同距离的跟球。这种打法,只需掌握挥杆力度大小,没有击球技巧,但却有连击和推球现象。经反复测试,细心听看,平打有以下几种情况。 1.击球力度小和击速慢时,可听到“踏”、“踏”两个连击声响;第一声是击自球,第二声是自球撞到他球的同时,槌头击球面又撞一次自球;如果没有第二次撞击,自球就不会跟着他球滚动。 2.击球力度大和击速快时,第一声是低的“踏”音,音极短,第二声是浊重的“吐”音,音
With the ball, refers to the distance from his ball close (10 cm or so), after the collision, since the ball with his ball in a straight line rolling, and at or near the intended goal. Tactical effect of this method is significant, there are five kinds of practice play. First, the general flat beating: forced hit the ball and hit his ball after the ball has been close since the ball has been close; according to the target distance, you can play 1 to 2 meters or 15 to 20 meters with the ball at different distances. This play, just to grasp the size of the swing strength, no hitting skills, but there are batter and push the ball phenomenon. After repeated testing, carefully listen, Ping do have the following conditions. 1. Batting intensity and slow speed, you can hear “riding” and “riding” two batter sound; the first sound is hit from the ball, the second sound from the ball hit the ball at the same time, the mallet Head hit the ball again hit the ball from the ball; if there is no second impact, the ball will not follow his own ball rolling. 2. Batting speed and hit fast, the first sound is low, “riding” sound, very short sound, the second sound is turbid “spit” sound, sound