八国首脑会议将于7月20至 22日在意大利热那亚举 行。据媒体披露,本次会议除讨论冲突预防等政治安全问题外,在经济领域将涉及如下几个主要议题:以超越减债方式来减轻贫困、协商贸易谈判议题以促进新一轮谈判的启动、加强宏观政策协调以促进全球经济增长、强化国际金融体制以防范全球金融危机以及全球环境问题等。这些议题既与近年来全球化的消极作用凸显及全球环境恶化相关,也与今年世界经济在美国经济减速影响下放慢的背景相关。
The G-8 summit will be held in Genoa, Italy from July 20 to July 22. According to media reports, in addition to discussing political security issues such as conflict prevention, the conference will address the following major issues in the economic arena: reducing poverty through debt relief, negotiating the issue of trade negotiations so as to promote the launching of a new round of negotiations, Strengthen coordination of macroeconomic policies to promote global economic growth and strengthen the international financial system to prevent the global financial crisis and global environmental issues. These issues are both related to the prominent negative effects of globalization in recent years as well as to the deterioration of the global environment, as well as to the background that the world economy has slowed down this year under the influence of the U.S. economic slowdown.