

被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tsinfang
'; } ?>
【作 者】
'; foreach($pd_record as $writer){ $str .= ''.$writer. ' '; } $str = trim($str,',').'
'; } echo $str; ?>
【机 构】
'; } ?>
【出 处】
'; } ?>
'; } ?>
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'; } echo $str; ?>
'; } ?>
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《新课程标准》指出:“口语交际能力是现代公民必备能力,应培养学生倾听,表达和应对能力,使学生具有文明和谐地进行人际交流的素养。”小学阶段是语言发展的黄金时期,因而小学语文口语交际教学显得尤为重要。 The New Curriculum Standard states: “Oral communicative competence is an essential ability of modern citizens and should cultivate students’ ability of listening, expressing and coping, so as to enable students to have a civilized and harmonious interpersonal communication.” "Elementary school is the gold of language development Period, so primary language oral communication teaching is particularly important.
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'.$keyboard. ''; } $str = trim($str,',').'
'; } echo $str; ?>