春节,饮食、娱乐都与平时有些不同,故应注意节日保健。医学专家警告人们:谨防“节日综合症”。 节日综合症的临床表现归纳起来有以下几种: 美味综合症 经常吃家常便饭或素食的人,偶尔出席宴会改变饮食习惯,往往会出现美味综合症。病人在进餐后大约1小时左右,会感到头晕脑胀,心慌气急,眼球突出,全身疲倦麻木。此病由于鸡、鱼、肉、鸭等食品中
Spring Festival, diet, entertainment and some are different from usual, it should pay attention to holiday care. Medical experts warn people: Beware “holiday syndrome.” The clinical manifestations of holiday syndrome can be summed up in the following categories: Symptoms of the Syndrome often eat regular or vegetarian people, occasionally attend the banquet to change eating habits, often there delicious syndrome. About 1 hour after a meal, the patient may feel dizzy, flustered, exophthalmotic and whole body numbness. The disease due to chicken, fish, meat, ducks and other foods